Growth Groups
- 7:30pm, 1st Tuesday or Wednesday of the month
Growth Groups meet in the first week of each month. Some meet on a Tuesday and others on a Wednesday. Groups meet in homes at various times and locations around Bournemouth during which we discuss a recent sermon and pray.
Within the Growth Groups we encourage each other in the following:
- Growing: Practically applying God’s word
- Connecting: Personally building relationships
- Supporting: Mutually caring for one another
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
- 7:30pm, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Tuesday of the month
These are held in the church hall on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th (and 5th) Tuesdays of each month.
These also include a missionary update and prayer time, and a number each year are focused missionary prayer meetings with updates from one of the missionaries that we support – either live (in person or over Zoom) or recorded.
Coffee Morning
- 10:30am, Thursdays during term time
Our coffee morning aims to reach out into the wider community in which we live. Our intention is to provide a welcoming atmosphere and friendship for members of the local community in Moordown and the surrounding area.
- 6:00pm*, Fridays during term time
Year 1-Year 5
- 7:30pm*, Fridays during term time
Year 6-Year 9
- 8:00pm*, Fridays during term time (from September 2025)
Year 10-Year 13