People of Faith
25 August 2013
Joni and the power of suffering
Bib ref. Habakkuk 3:17-19
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series People of Faith
Meetings Sunday Evening
18 August 2013
Tyndale and the word of God
Bib ref. Psalm 119:11
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series People of Faith
Meetings Sunday Evening
18 August 2013
Luther and the Death of Jesus
Bib ref. Galatians 2:15-21
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series People of Faith
Meetings Sunday Morning
4 August 2013
Athanasius and the Da Vinci code
Bib ref. Jude 1:3
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series People of Faith
Meetings Sunday Morning