The Riches of Christ
8 June 2014
Always content
Bib ref. Philippians 4:10-23
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series The Riches of Christ
Meetings Sunday Evening
1 June 2014
Peace and the God of peace
Bib ref. Philippians 4:2-9
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series The Riches of Christ
Meetings Sunday Evening
4 May 2014
Onward and upward
Bib ref. Philippians 3:12-4:1
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series The Riches of Christ
Meetings Sunday Evening
27 April 2014
Surpassing Greatness
Bib ref. Philippians 3:1-11
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series The Riches of Christ
Meetings Sunday Evening
30 March 2014
No complaints!
Bib ref. Philippians 2:14-30
Preacher Dr. Gary Benfold
Series The Riches of Christ
Meetings Sunday Evening